

Keep an ear on…
5th international FKL symposium on soundscape

FKL (Forum Klanglandschaft – Forum for the soundscape) is an European association that wants to serve as a platform for contact between people from different disciplines that deal with the soundscape and acoustic spaces.
The FKL was born as a result of the impetus given by the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology WFAE (Vancouver, BC) was formed in 1993 based on research carried out in 70 years. The FKL is a non-profit organization, is open to all those interested in listening and sound environmental stewardship.
 Every two years FKL organizes its conference in a different European city.

Keep an ear on…” is the fifth international symposium on soundscape organized by the FKL (Forum Klanglandschaft).
In 2011, the conference will be held in Florence (Italy) in collaboration with the Center for Music Research Tempo Reale and the Centre for Contemporary Art EX3.

At this meeting Studio Urban Resonance will introduce its artistic research Symphony of a metropolis – a dualistic listening experience.



19 – 22.05.2011: Installations and videos
EX3 – Viale Giannotti 81/83/85
SUC – Le Murate – Piazza della Madonna della Neve

EX3 – 18:00 Opening:
Installations ::  Mechi CENA / Francesco MICHI (I) Composizione silenziosa Richard EIGNER (A) Denoising Field Recordings  ONGAKUAW (I) E alle stecche delle persiane è già l’alba  Bjørn Erik HAUGEN (N) Transfer Sara MAINO / Davide ONDERTOLLER (I) Microstorie dal paesaggio LarsenSado. (I) w00dPH1.0 [e se gli alberi avessero le orecchie?] Fabian WINKLER / Shannon McMULLEN (USA) Waves Records FAXEN (A) resonate in response to VideosAmanda BELANTARA (GB) Ears are Dazzled, touched by sound Michael CARMODY / Elissa GOODRICH (AUS) Anatomy of atoms Knut REMOND (CH) Sound Cake Nick SHERMAN (USA) Soundtracker Artur VIDAL (E) Three times in Beyoglu
19:30 Soundwalk led by Ilaria Mancino
SUC – 21:00 Opening:
Installations :: COCO LOCO (I) Vox Domestica Maurizio GOINA / Pietro POLOTTI (I) Sonic Walking Massimo LIVERANI / Pino GORI (I) Stazione di rilassamento psicoacustico Luca MITI (I) Proposta per lo studio di un rito nelle Marche 



20 – 22.05.2011: Symposium and concerts
Tempo Villa Strozzi – Via Pisana 77

Friday May 20

15:00 Plenary session welcome:
Gabriele Proy (President of FKL), Francesco Giomi (Director of Tempo Reale), Sergio Tossi (Director of EX3)
15:20 Plenary Session
Noora VIKMAN (FIN) Quietnecessity
Hans U. WERNER (D) Listening towards a Mediology of Sound
16:20 Coffee break
16:40 Parallel Sessions
Session A:
Anke HAUN (D) Break, an experiment
Lelio CAMILLERI (I) Rethinking Acoustic Design
17:45 Presentation of Sound Installations
Session B:
Giulia LIBRO (I) TUNESCAPE – Visual exploration of the multidimensionality of sonic phenomena in urban context.
Eleonore BAK (F) Visualisation of Sound.
17:45 Presentation of Sound Installations
18:30 – Opening concert Limonaia di Villa Strozzi
TR_PLAYLIST #9 / FRANCIA – Bernard Fort : sound projection
Hildegard WESTERKAMP Kits beach soundwalk
Bernard FORT Sereine vivacité (extrait du Miroir des Oiseaux)
Bernard FORT La dynamique du chant (extrait du Miroir des Oiseaux)
Gabriele PROY Kimochi
Bernard FORT  La Paix de l’Entendre
19:30 – Soundwalk led by Massimo Liverani


Saturday May 21

10:00 Parallel Sessions
Session A:
Alessandra CALANCHI (I) Ear to the Page
Bernard FORT (F) Musical and scientific interest for the sound slowdown. The notion of chronobiology.
10:45 Presentation of Sound Installations
Session B:
Albert MAYR (I) Acoustic Ecology! I beg your pardon, what kind of ecology?
Stefania GIAMETTA (I) Soundscape’s description and urbanism
10:45 Presentation of Sound Installations
11:20 Coffee break
11:40 Parallel Sessions
Session A:
John McGEE (IRL) The Potential Role of Listening Modes in Auditory Interfaces for Location-based Services.
Luca BERGERO (I) Acoustic Ecology and Music Therapy: from Sonorous/Musical Element to the Environmental Sound Element.
Session B:
Hein SCHOER (D) The Sounding Museum: Two Weeeks in Alert Bay.
Maria ANDUEZA (E) A new kind of audience: the citizen of the work.
13:00 Lunch
15:00 Parallel Sessions
Session A:
Massimo CAVALLARO (I) Acoustic Park at Salina Festival.
Stefano DE SANTIS (I) Characterization of the noise of a wind turbine and perception in the surrounding soundscape
15:45 Presentation of Sound Installations
Session B:
Bruno PISEK (A) More Listeners. Less Recordings.
Valeria MERLINI / Olaf SCHÄFER (I/D) Symphony of a metropolis – a dualistic listening experience
15:45 Presentation of Sound Installations
16:20 Coffee break
16:40 Parallel Sessions
Session A:
Marco MONARI (I) The memory of a square, The soundscape of S.Stefano square, Bologna (2005-2010)
Roberto DOATI / – Giacomo LEPRI, Irene PACINI, Michele PIZZI, Luca SERRA (I) La Lanterna. Genova speculativa; Soundscape as source of inspiration for Hoerspiel
17:45 Presentation of Sound Installations
Session B:
Antonello COLIMBERTI (I) Marcel Jousse and the replay of auricular gestures.
Stefano ZORZANELLO (I) Multilevel sound maps in digital sound cartography
17:45 Presentation of Sound Installations
18:30 – Works selected by the musical committee
Limonaia di Villa Strozzi
TR_PLAYLIST #10 / MUSIC & ENVIRONMENT – Luigi Mastandrea  sound projection
Bernadette JOHNSON (CH) Fleeing gardens
Luigi MASTANDREA (I) Enaction
Hein SCHOER (D) Two Weeks in Alert Bay
Alejandro CASALES (MEX) El sueño de flora
Robert DOW (GB) Uncertain Memory


Sunday May 22

10:00 Parallel Sessions
Session A:
David CHAPMAN / Louise K WILSON (GB) Falkland: a sonic investigation of place.
Enrico VARAGNOLO (I) Sonic Survey Interface
Ida RECCHIA (I) Soundscapes: qualities of space, architectural codes
Session B:
Ivana Miladinovic PRICA (SRB) A new era of (music) listening – from soundless to noisy environment
Ilaria MANCINO (I) Excuse me, are you in favor or against it? Survey on the experience of opening of the historic centers in Italy
Sophea LERNER (AUS) The Emperors New Noise: sonic mobilities, listening and the question of noise in Delhi
12:00 Caffee break
12:30 – Works selected by the musical committee
Limonaia di Villa Strozzi
TR_PLAYLIST #11 / SOUNDSCAPES – Fabio Iaci  sound projection
Daniel BLINKHORN (AUS) Seascape triptych
Michele PIZZI / Luca SERRA (I) Genova ostinato
Fabio IACI (I) Arrige aures
Marinos KOUTSOMICHALIS (GR) Passaggio Sonoro
Martha RIVA PALACIO OBLON (MEX) antàrtica 50
Simone D’AMBROSIO (I) VILLUSIONS – étude I, Les Mouvements
Final concert
May 22 2011, h 13,30 – Villa Strozzi meadow
performers: Banda Roncati

conduction: Stefano Zorzanello and Albert Mayr
FKL Members Meeting
May 22 2011, h 15,00 – Limonaia di Villa Strozzi


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