This week’s framework:afield has been coordinated and produced in Berlin and the UK by Valeria Merlini and Felicity Ford, and it features mixes and recordings made by participants in the ‘documenting sound’ workshop held at this year’s Audiograft festival in the UK. Featuring recordings and conversations, this show documents the festival while also reflecting on the practice […]
This edition of framework:afield has been produced by Valeria Merlini and Felicity Ford, with the participants of the framework radio: documentation and production workshop, which took place in july 2011 as part of the Tuned City Tallinn festival in Estonia. The workshop had two goals: the production of a series of short on-the-spot creative documentary pieces to […]
Homepage Resonanzräume
Spaces resources for new development are often limited. However in the past two decades the unique circumstances of Berlin’s history have provided ideal situations for planning test cases and new cultural directions. But what happens when those transformation processes settle back into ‘normality’? This will be examined from an acoustic perspective in the Rummelsburger […]
publication w/ DVD :: 2007 Atlas 31 La città suonante. Percezione ed elaborazione del suono per la progettazione urbana INU Alto Adige This publication written in italian and german collects the papers of the international symposion”la città suonante”, held in Bolzano (Italy) in 2006. The DVD contains audio files referring to “la città suonante” and the […]
International conference Piacenza, 07.06. 2010 urban design and aural space / progettazione urbana e spazi sonori [EN] Regarding the quality of life in cities, sound in the urban environment is mostly perceived from the inhabitants as noise pollution. Osservatorio Public Art of Politecnico di Milano promotes a one day long international conference Urban design […]
site specific sound installation :: 2007 duration: as you like [EN] “Kikkit” is an interactive installation combining sound art and architecture. It consists in the transformation of the perceived sound and space of the sports court of Wriezener Park into an attractive urban instrument. Brightly coloured cone-shaped plastic buckets cover the outer sides of […]
sound miniatures :: 2008 duration: 03:00 each [IT] L’ascolto della città, la scoperta dello spazio, la comprensione del luogo e la rappresentazione multipla della realtà socio urbana sono concetti sempre più presenti nelle discipline di studi urbani, che si misurano con la difficoltà di studiare la molteplicità e multiscalarità delle problematiche delle città moderne. Questi […]
sensorial model :: 2009 Model realized for Brandon LaBelle’s Project “Room Tone.” On June 2009 it was exhibited at Cut n Splice Festival in London and on June 2011 at General Public in Berlin.
lecture “Sonic garden in the urban sphere” explores how the aural aspect can be taken into consideration in order to plan landscape architecture. Its focus will be the conception and the realization of green areas in the urban environment, considering their specific sonotope. The lecture would like to give suggestions for an orchestration of […]
Visual history has experienced a remarkable boom in the field of cultural and historical studies over the past few years. Even though the question of how visual productions and practices change is not limited to a given period, it often goes along with the thesis of a hegemony of vision in the modern age. […]
artistic research :: work in progress “Berlin Resonance: symphony of a metropolis” by Studio Urban Resonance is an artistic research that deals with the sound of Berlin. It focuses on the thesis that certain awareness of the sound of the city is raised by a confrontational […]
sound installation :: 2008 loop duration: 00:12:27 [EN] Motory silence, breath hold, fixed eye, focused ear. Visible but unforeseeable countdown. I’m behind you in this suspended moment of interruction of mobility and activity. For a time-fraction we are in the same place and in the same condition but we decide to mantain our anonimity. […]
Building on the success of the documentation workshop co-run by Felicity Ford and Valeria Merlini at Tuned City Tallinn, the Audiograft 2012 Documentation Workshop will run for the duration of the Festival. They will explore key issues surrounding the process of recording events and works, producing a rich repository of documentation, co-created by workshop participants. […]
14-15 January 2012 Italian annual meeting of Forum Klanglandschaft. For this appointment Valeria Merlini and Felicity Ford will present a shorter version of the piece “10. July 2011 – third conference day” recorded and produced at Tuned City Tallinn during the three days long workshop on audio documentation and production. During the meeting will be presented works of Mechi Cena, Enrico Coniglio, Mario D’Andreta, […]