Visual history has experienced a remarkable boom in the field of cultural and historical studies over the past few years. Even though the question of how visual productions and practices change is not limited to a given period, it often goes along with the thesis of a hegemony of vision in the modern age. But this emphasis on the “scopic regimes of modernity” (Martin Jay) obscures the fact that since the mid 19th century the very conditions and habits of hearing and listening have also been subject to fundamental change occasioned by modern phenomena such as urbanization, industrialization, mechanization, and the emergence of sound recording media. Accordingly, it appears appropriate for historians of modernity to deal not only with visual history but also with the cultural meaning of hearing and listening and the historical changes they have undergone. The 9. Blankensee Colloquium on “Hearing Modern History. Auditory cultures in the 19. and 20. Century” will do so by investigating sound in such diverse fields as urban history, the history of science, the history of objects, and the history of modern subjectivity.
On Friday the 18th Studio Urban Resonance will introduce its artistic research Symphony of a Metropolis – A Dualistic Listening Experience.
Please read the program HERE
Auditory Cultures in the 19th and 20th Century
9th Blankensee Colloquium
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences
Jägerstraße 22-23